Empowering Independence. Redefining Social.

Josh Dayment


Josh Dayment
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We have a verified winner!

With over 640 votes (including double votes for verified members) Congratulations to our winner of the first-ever Titty Talent Show @x_stormie_xx We will reach out to you in the background for your payout! 20 Ladies 137 Qualified photos and...
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Broken_Unicorn commented on this post...

Give me some content!

You guys while I've been sick and struggling to get stuff done (chronic fatigue is shit btw!) I've realised that I am sick of my content on here so I want to create new stuff. But I need you to tell me what you want to see! So everybody drop your...
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Josh Dayment@Broken_Unicorn
Josh Dayment
I do bladesmithing, firearms training, and play music. That can be made into a fun mix for content.
Broken_Unicorn commented on this post...
Josh Dayment@Broken_Unicorn
Josh Dayment
Is this from the soon to be remake with only 1 short person as a dwarf, just so they can say it's about diversity
Broken_Unicorn followed Smoke...

Smoke Bacon Media


Smoke Bacon Media


Welp Deleted my main profile

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Grumpy fer@LTPoplick
Grumpy fer
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Josh Dayment@Broken_Unicorn
Josh Dayment
@LTPoplick love it.
Broken_Unicorn commented on this post...

Cigars and rum.

Dudes and dudettes, I've been drinking for 2 straight hours, Death Wish was a awesome movie, and now I'm enjoying a cigar. I'm not pretty enough to post titties, so "cheers!"
Josh Dayment@Broken_Unicorn
Josh Dayment
@Woody25D fuck it show them moobs, lol
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Cigars and rum.

Dudes and dudettes, I've been drinking for 2 straight hours, Death Wish was a awesome movie, and now I'm enjoying a cigar. I'm not pretty enough to post titties, so "cheers!"
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Maikyn Baykon


Maikyn  Baykon


Bacon loving cowgirl