Empowering Independence. Redefining Social.

Daniel Curry


Daniel Curry
ITDept commented on this post...
Daniel Curry@ITDept
Daniel Curry
ITDept commented on this post...
Daniel Curry@ITDept
Daniel Curry
Waiting to see you ...
ITDept followed Lori...

Lori Thompson


Lori Thompson


I am happy to be here to meet new people.

ITDept commented on this post...
Daniel Curry@ITDept
Daniel Curry
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ITDept replied on this post...
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Sorry guys, I have a super bad cold, so I've just been resting. Here's an oldie ❀️
Jason Clark@ClarkJason160
Jason Clark
Purple looks good.
Daniel Curry@ITDept
Daniel Curry
@ClarkJason160 i agree, but she manages it with ease.
ITDept replied on this post...
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Sorry guys, I have a super bad cold, so I've just been resting. Here's an oldie ❀️
Jason Clark@ClarkJason160
Jason Clark
Purple looks good.
Daniel Curry@ITDept
Daniel Curry
@ClarkJason160 most cannot pull off the purple as well as our Lil Painted Lady does.
ITDept commented on this post...
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Sorry guys, I have a super bad cold, so I've just been resting. Here's an oldie ❀️
Daniel Curry@ITDept
Daniel Curry
With such a great smile.
ITDept followed David...

David Gulbin


David Gulbin


ITDept commented on this post...
Daniel Curry@ITDept
Daniel Curry
Looks spankable, to me. Have you been a naughty little nymph?
ITDept followed Alina...

Alina Mdx


Alina  Mdx


Avoid me I’m naughty ☺️πŸ₯΅