Empowering Independence. Redefining Social.

Jennifer Lee


Jennifer Lee
Lobosluna replied on this post...
William Greenlee@Ruffneck1980
William Greenlee
Did you win
Jennifer Lee@Lobosluna
Jennifer Lee
@MaikynBaykon, you were clearly the winner overall because you had the majority of the votes for your first two pictures. It’s bullshit that they never announced the winner or paid out…especially when you had announced that you would donate the money. Fucking ridiculous. 😤
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Community Standards for Smoke & Bacon Media’s The Community 2.0

At The Community 2.0, we champion free expression without compromising a safe and inclusive environment. Please adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Focus: This isn't a NSFW-centric community. We cherish diverse content and conversations that...
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Joy Tussy


Joy Tussy


Here for a good time 😉 I’m a Joy-to-see 🍈🍈 🍑

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Candy Paint on 1972 Ford Maverick with Grant

Candy Paint on 1972 Ford Maverick with Grant 7 Clear
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We have a verified winner!

With over 640 votes (including double votes for verified members) Congratulations to our winner of the first-ever Titty Talent Show @x_stormie_xx We will reach out to you in the background for your payout! 20 Ladies 137 Qualified photos and...
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Jesse Alcala


Jesse Alcala


USA and bacon loving patriot living the good life in NW Wyoming.