Empowering Independence. Redefining Social.

Judd Sampson


Judd Sampson
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Judd Sampson@Sam_I_Am
Judd Sampson
That was epic
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Judd Sampson@Sam_I_Am
Judd Sampson
Princess and the Pee
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Oh hai

It's your favorite wanna be bartender/chef 🤣😏 I'm loving this group already 🥲🥲🥲❤️❤️❤️
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Don't mind the nails. I don't get out much 🤣🤦‍♀️ but tell me how your Christmas went ? Don't forget to open the chat tab and talk with me 🥰❤️
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Verified User Evil Secret Santa

Congratulations to this year's Evil Secret Santa gift exchange, The evil gift videos are starting to come in and we have moved them to the comments below. Enjoy! To join in on the next Evil gift exchange this February make sure you are a...
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Judd Sampson@Sam_I_Am
Judd Sampson
@Smoke_And_Bacon wait what did I miss?!? Dammit. I am a supporter too.
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