Empowering Independence. Redefining Social.

Daniel Sommerfeld


Daniel Sommerfeld
TK2273 commented on this post...
Daniel Sommerfeld@TK2273
Daniel Sommerfeld
She does have nice tits
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TK2273 commented on this post...
Daniel Sommerfeld@TK2273
Daniel Sommerfeld
One of them will do it tho. There’s always that one. We call them a hook up and booty call
TK2273 commented on this post...
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I feel this in my soul!

Damn old folks with our iron sightsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Daniel Sommerfeld@TK2273
Daniel Sommerfeld
Yeah but 500 meters I’m poking holes quick. I’ve gotten better at it Now scoped….I’ll take a coffee cup out of your hands at two feet. Especially if it’s from green bean. Just sayin. That was damn good coffee. I’m not spilling that shit. πŸ–•
TK2273 commented on this post...
Daniel Sommerfeld@TK2273
Daniel Sommerfeld
I knew a guy at BAF who only washed it once the whole time. He said he rinsed it out with water every day and it’s good to go. Thing was an ink well inside.
TK2273 commented on this post...
Daniel Sommerfeld@TK2273
Daniel Sommerfeld
Where is this coffee shop. I got flyer miles.
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