Empowering Independence. Redefining Social.

Tj Tschida


Tj  Tschida
cheetahman followed Maikyn...

Maikyn Baykon


Maikyn  Baykon


Bacon loving cowgirl

cheetahman commented on this post...
Tj Tschida@cheetahman
Tj  Tschida
I have a Bluetooth head set just like that
cheetahman commented on this post...
Tj Tschida@cheetahman
Tj  Tschida
Very noice
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cheetahman followed Olivia...

Olivia Lawson


Olivia Lawson


Veteran and mechanic who loves to work with her hands

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Can someone pretty please send me a link to the contest or tell me how to get there? I just down loaded the app and my phone is loading it all craaaazy slow… or it could be operator error
Tj Tschida@cheetahman
Tj  Tschida
Welcome aboard here as well
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Have you voted for me yet?

Please go vote in contest community 🖤🖤 scroll down, i posted like 7 pics to vote for
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