Empowering Independence. Redefining Social.

Hannah Edwards


Hannah Edwards
hannah replied on this post...
US, but with the tall glasses. Clearly they got the locale crossed with each other. Because never, have I ever, seen them little glasses before.
Hannah Edwards@hannah
Hannah Edwards
@Hammer I've only ever seen those tall glasses for a Strongbow over here lol
hannah commented on this post...
Hannah Edwards@hannah
Hannah Edwards
Games of Thrones the TV show is boring as hell. It made me fall asleep 10 mins into the first episode and I haven't watched one since!
hannah replied on this post...
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What are you reading?

Have you set yourself a reading goal this year? @Hannah is aiming for a minimum of 15 books this year. Last year she managed 9 out of her 10 book goal!
Jerry Oliver@Jeroli
Jerry Oliver
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I just finished off Game of Thrones again, but I think I am going to struggle finding something to read next. At least until I get some more building done...
Hannah Edwards@hannah
Hannah Edwards
@Jeroli I fell asleep 10 mins into the first episode and never watched anymore lol
hannah replied on this post...
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What are you reading?

Have you set yourself a reading goal this year? @Hannah is aiming for a minimum of 15 books this year. Last year she managed 9 out of her 10 book goal!
Jerry Oliver@Jeroli
Jerry Oliver
Post media
I just finished off Game of Thrones again, but I think I am going to struggle finding something to read next. At least until I get some more building done...
Hannah Edwards@hannah
Hannah Edwards
@Jeroli I haven't read the GOT series. Are they better than the show?
hannah replied on this post...
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What are you reading?

Have you set yourself a reading goal this year? @Hannah is aiming for a minimum of 15 books this year. Last year she managed 9 out of her 10 book goal!
Caitrin Abbott@Lady_Alchemy
Caitrin Abbott
I read 142 last year so I'm just going to stick with setting a goal of 100 and if I pass that then great..... CR is Carnage by Shantel Tessier and it's already my 3rd book this year. I'm also currently listening to the audiobook Blood Singer by Willow Asteria.
Hannah Edwards@hannah
Hannah Edwards
@Lady_Alchemy I'm a cat mum with chronic illness too! I built myself a business so I could be home when it flares up so I feel you!
hannah replied on this post...
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What are you reading?

Have you set yourself a reading goal this year? @Hannah is aiming for a minimum of 15 books this year. Last year she managed 9 out of her 10 book goal!
Caitrin Abbott@Lady_Alchemy
Caitrin Abbott
I read 142 last year so I'm just going to stick with setting a goal of 100 and if I pass that then great..... CR is Carnage by Shantel Tessier and it's already my 3rd book this year. I'm also currently listening to the audiobook Blood Singer by Willow Asteria.
Hannah Edwards@hannah
Hannah Edwards
@Lady_Alchemy now that my degree is done I'm hoping for more but I know I have no hope of getting near 100!
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What are you reading?

Have you set yourself a reading goal this year? @Hannah is aiming for a minimum of 15 books this year. Last year she managed 9 out of her 10 book goal!
hannah commented on this post...
Hannah Edwards@hannah
Hannah Edwards
I used to work customer service desk at a supermarket and when we were down to our last piece of fresh broccoli one Christmas, there was a full on fight between two women!
hannah replied on this post...
Jesse Pruden@jpjr
Jesse Pruden
I think it is Christmas boxed up and saved for those who worked on Christmas day? Servents and such?
Hannah Edwards@hannah
Hannah Edwards
@jpjr Close! It's when the rich used to give the servants the day off to visit their families and they would give them a box each to take home to their families containing gifts (usually the gifts they didn't want), leftover food etc
hannah replied on this post...
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Do the English really say bollocks?

@hannah shared this so we all know what mood she's in! What's the best English word used for everything that you think is the best?
Daniel Curry@ITDept
Daniel Curry
Fuck ... there is a great scene in Boondock Saints about the versatility of the word.
Hannah Edwards@hannah
Hannah Edwards
@ITDept Me and my other half love that movie