Empowering Independence. Redefining Social.
nmuck commented on this post...
Thor @nmuck
True story. Mine didnt say he was a doctor though and he had his pants off to make me feel more comfortable should i be scared?
nmuck commented on this post...
Thor @nmuck
Mmm so amazing wonder what made you look at some play time ;)
nmuck commented on this post...
Thor @nmuck
I would do so much more than suck them. Lots of fun to be had there!
nmuck commented on this post...
Thor @nmuck
Well.. come on over ill help ya
nmuck commented on this post...
Thor @nmuck
Mm they look sooo fun!
nmuck commented on this post...
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Sorry for not posting I have had a lot going on but Happy Saturday and I’ll be Running a sale Monday message me for details🌑🌙💫
Thor @nmuck
What did i miss!!
nmuck commented on this post...
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Steven Leisure
Steven Leisure @SunEBoy

First time this year

Three and half hour of sharing the magic and pictures. Didnt know if I would get a season with a bum foot.
Thor @nmuck
Do you take adult requests lol
nmuck commented on this post...
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Please stop asking/messaging if I'm going to make an OF. It's not happening 😂🫶 enjoy some neon
Thor @nmuck
Oh ya i have this thing i think you would like theres a bunch of fans on it lol jkjk jk
nmuck commented on this post...
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Please stop asking/messaging if I'm going to make an OF. It's not happening 😂🫶 enjoy some neon
Thor @nmuck
Looking sexy AF as always!
nmuck commented on this post...
Thor @nmuck
Good morning your so sexy!