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Grumpy fer


Grumpy fer
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Grumpy fer@LTPoplick
Grumpy fer
Batmans power, Im a multi billionaire.
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Tavie Hoffman


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It is time, Drop them in the comments Ladies

Start Date: 00:01 Monday, September 18th 2023 End Date: 23:59 Sunday, October 1st 2023 Voting Here's the cherry on top: Each vote cast by a verified Community 2.0 member counts as two votes 😲, doubling the excitement and the race to victory!...
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LTPoplick commented on this post...
Grumpy fer@LTPoplick
Grumpy fer
She clearly has never pumped her own fuckin gas before.
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On this day

I was in 5th grade. My teacher turned on the breaking news and we all cried. At 10 years old I knew what was happening to our country, and what was going to happen. One by one, parents were coming to pick up their kids to spend time with family....
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Grumpy fer@LTPoplick
Grumpy fer
I was in 8th grade, what's sobering now is seeing how a large chunk of service members either don't remember or weren't born yet.
LTPoplick commented on this post...
Grumpy fer@LTPoplick
Grumpy fer
The fucks with them talons lol
LTPoplick commented on this post...
Grumpy fer@LTPoplick
Grumpy fer
Fleeing assault charges? In what way? Depending on the answer might just let him ride his shitty decision out in ol NK
LTPoplick replied on this post...
Martin Burkart@Benchmade0311
Martin Burkart
To live out in the middle of the woods, simple cabin, by a river or lake...and just be able to hunt off my porch
Grumpy fer@LTPoplick
Grumpy fer
@Benchmade0311 with land for produce and livestock
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Grumpy fer@LTPoplick
Grumpy fer
Im no botanist but i believe gettin too close could result in a face hugger alien attached to your mug
LTPoplick commented on this post...
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All right, listen up and listen good Fuckers

I am only going to say this once. This weekend is gonna be a shit show with Tuesday being the 4th of July. Some of you may think this is an invitation to act like a bunch of rabid dogs let loose in a firework factory. IT IS NOT! First and...
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Grumpy fer@LTPoplick
Grumpy fer
Remember roman candle wars?